Chambers of Xeric, also known as Raids 1 or CoX, is a minigame that provides high-tier equipment and weapons. Most players play this minigame for a chance at the Twisted Bow.
The goal is to kill all bosses, which you can do solo or in a group of players. If you play in a group, everyone will get rewarded with a key (2 keys if Kronos is active).
After killing Olm, the final boss, you have a chance of receiving a rare key, but most of the time you’ll receive a common key. The drop rate of a rare key will be explained later on.
1500 total level for normal modes.
750 total level for rogue modes.
Rare keys: Here’s a list of which rare items you can get from using a rare key:
- Arcane prayer scroll
- Twisted buckler
- Dinh’s bulwark
- Dragon hunter crossbow
- Kodai wand
- Dexterous prayer scroll
- Elder maul
- Dragon claws
- Ancestral hat
- Ancestral robe top
- Ancestral robe bottom
- Twisted bow
- Olmlet
Common keys: Common keys give a lot of herblore secondaries, herbs, potions, dark relics (XP lamp), etc. There is a very small chance to receive a rare key out of a common key.
Equipment setup: You only need range to complete CoX. Here are some examples of setups you can use, from low to high tier:
Inventory setup: Here is an example of an inventory setup:
– a potion that boosts your stats, this can be an overload, divine ranging potion or a regular ranging potion
– restore potions or prayer potions
– food
Use the command ::COX to get to the lobby. Here you can enter solo or make a group. You run through the minigame and kill every boss you see, these are always the same bosses, but in random order. Here is a list of the bosses and which prayer to use against them:
- Lizardman shaman (x3) (pray melee)
- Skeletal mystic (x3) (pray magic)
- Vanguard (x3) (pray magic and melee)
- Vasa Nistirio (pray magic)
- Ice demon (optional pray melee)
- Muttadile (pray magic)
- Tekton (pray melee)
- Olm (pray range or mage)
The player who deals the most damage to a certain boss receives the drop from the monster. This drop has a chance to contain food and overload doses, which can only be used inside CoX.
Where Is it Located?
Theatre of Blood can be found in the teleport section > Minigames > Theatre of Blood
or by using ::TOB
What Setup Should I Use?
The following setups will be from the beginner stage and some sort of end game state.
Bosses & Mechanics
The Maiden of Sugadinti
Pray Mage and avoid the blood pools that she will be putting on a random player in the party – Best attack style will be Melee or Range.
Pestilent Bloat
When you enter the room he will be in a square shaped arena, walking around it. He’ll become dazed after a while & when he gets dazed you may attack him. Outside of the daze you shall stay behind him (out of line of sight/ around the corner). – Best Attack Style here will be Melee.
Nycolas Vasilias
Nycolas Vasilias,will shift between 3 colors.
If you happen to attack with the wrong attack style you will take decent amount of damage and the damage will heal the boss.
This boss will send out orbs in two possible colors, either red or black. Black orbs you have to pray Range against & the red orbs you need to pray mage against. He might also use his bite which is a melee attack& You could possibly pray melee vs that one.
The Bite would (from my own experience) hit you with up to 45 damage.
This guy is really simple. He will spit toxic waste at a random party member every X tick, which you will have to either side step or just move out of. Otherwise you’ll take a lot of damage.
No prayer is really needed here. Best attack style will be range.
Verzik Vitur – 2 Phases
First Phase you could pray Range or no prayer at all. She will send out balls of toxic waste towards you and your party members every X tick which you have to Side step. If you fail to Side step it you might take damage up to 70+ damage. Do NOT stand underneath her either or you might be smashed for a lot of damage aswell.
Second Phase will be permanently praying Mage & heal up from the lightning shocks she’ll give you and your party member X tick. Depending on how many Melee players you have on the boss she might spawn 3-4 Yellow pools in the room which you need to stand on to avoid 70+ damage from a attack she charges up when they spawn.
In this guide you will be shown everything you need to know about the Abyssal Sire boss in Delve, including location, the fight itself and possible drops!
The Abyssal Sire teleport can be found by opening the Spellbook and heading to Boss Teleports> Abyssal Sire
Once you arrive at the Abyssal Sire teleport there are four spots in which you can find the boss itself:
Inventory/Gear Setup:
Range Setup:
Twisted Bow > Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i) > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Here you can use an Archers Ring (i) as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
Melee Setup:
Scythe of virtur > Blade of saeldor > Ghrazi Rapier > Abyssal Tentacle > Abyssal Whip
Full Bandos with Slayer Helm (i) if on task/Neitiznot faceguard if off task > Neitiznot faceguard/slayer helm with a Fighter Torso and Dragon Platelegs > Full Elite void
Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
Similar to the range setup here you can use a Beserker Ring (i) as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
The Fight:
it is a very simple fight. simply attack the boss and then use the following prayer switches:
For the first 100 hitpoints protect from melee, on the second 100 hitpoints protect from magic and then finally on the last 200 hitpoints protect from melee once again.
You will also need to avoid the special attacks that Sire has, this can be done by simply moving in between attacks
Unsired :
The Unsired can also be used on “The Font of Consumption” which is located in at the Abbysal Sire teleport location, simply use the Unsired on The Font of Consumption and you can sacrifice your Unsired for one of the following:
- Bludgeon Claw
- Bludgeon Spine
- Bludgeon Axon
- Abyssal Dagger
- Jar of Miasmic
- Abyssal Whip
- Abyssal Head
- Abyssal Orphan pet
The three bludgeon parts can be combined to make a complete bludgeon by talking to “The Overseer” with all three parts in your inventory, The Overseer is located directly behind The Font of Consumption.
It is also worth noting that you WILL need a slayer task to kill the Abyssal Sire, this can be obtained from Nieve from a Boss Task, or you can get an Abyssal Demon task from Nieve as a Hard Task, which will also allow you to kill Abyssal Sires.
Before fighting Hydra you WILL need a slayer task, this can be obtained from Nieve as a Boss Task, from ::konar slayer or you can buy the specific task from “Tarfol quo Maten” at The Alchemical Hydra teleport for 12,5m GP.
The Alchemical Hydra teleport can be found by opening the Spellbook and heading to Boss Teleports > Alchemical Hydra.
Once you arrive at the Alchemical Hydra teleport you will need to “Open Alchemical Door” in order to teleport into the instance and fight Alchemical Hydra.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
Melee Setup (preferred method):
Weapon: – Alchemical Hydra is a Dragon, so it will be weak to stab and weapons such as the Dragon Hunter Lance and the Dragon Hunter Crossbow:
Dragon Hunter Lance (Attack Style – Lunge – Stab) > Scythe of Virtur > Ghrazi Rapier/Blade of Saeldor > Zamorakian Hasta
Full Bandos with Slayer Helm (i) > Neitiznot faceguard/slayer helm with a Fighter Torso and Dragon Platelegs > Full Elite void
Avernic Defender > Dragon defender > Best melee shield you have
Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
Here you can use a Berserker Ring (i) as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times!
Range Setup:
Twisted Bow > Dragon Hunter Crossbow > Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i) > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Necklace of Anguish > amulet of fury > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Similar to the Melee setup here you can use an Archers Ring (i) as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
The Fight:
Note: It is not possible to attack Hydra from the tiles against the walls. You will receive a message saying “You cannot attack Hydra from this position.” Move further into the arena and attack again.
There are several phases to the battle. Hydra can be killed without taking any damage at all if you flick your prayers correctly. It is also recommended to Overload before the fight to speed it up.
Here is a brief description of what happens in each phase:
Phase 1 – Green, poison:
When you enter the instance you should be protecting from range and running to the tile shown next to the green fountain in order to damage her – please note you will only be able to damage Hydra after it has been hit with the fountain in the middle of each platform. After 3 range attacks Hydra will spit 3 poison splats at you, avoid them and then proceed to drag Hydra to the next platform (Blue). After the poison splats, Hydra will attack with 2 more range attacks and then switch to mage attacks. Hydra will alternate like this throughout the fight. It is normally 3 attacks per style but this can vary depending on how quick you are moving on to each phase, etc.
Phase 2 – Blue, lightning
On this phase Hydra will need to be on the Blue platform and have been hit with the fountain in order for you to attack it. Hydra will attack you with a Lightning attack, this occurs on the FOURTH attack of the blue phase.
The mage attack can be dodged by standing in the middle and running to one of the sides or just tank the lightning attack. – if you are worried about dying (Hardcore for example) I would suggest just avoiding the lightning attack completely.
Phase 3 – Red, fire
On this phase, similar to the green phase, make sure Hydra is in the middle of the red platform and is hit with the fountain, you will then be able to damage it. However, on this phase when you see Hydra moving to the middle of the room she is getting ready to use fire. As long as you keep running the fire won’t be able to catch up, afterwards you can continue killing.
Phase 4 – Black, poison
On this phase you can attack and damage hydra from any spot – you do not need to lure it to a platform. On this phase Hydra will alternate attack styles EVERY attack so you can simply flick between them. Hydra can also attack with poison splats on this phase. If this attack occurs, simply avoid the splats and take a sip of antipoison if you are hit.
*You can instantly start the fight again by clicking on the door you entered through, and Hydra will respawn.
Possible Drops:
Hydra tail
Hydra eye
Hydra heart
Hydra fang
Alchemic hydra heads
Hydra leather
Hydra claw
You can also receive a pet drop from Alchemical Hydra.
You can check the Droprate of each item by heading to the Quest tab > Coin Tab > Droptable, from here you can search for your desired item/boss and it will display the Droprate. You can also access the Droptable by typing ::droptable or right clicking on the boss itself and examining it, from here you will see an option in the chatbox to open the Droptable.
In this guide you will be shown everything you need to know about the Barrelchest boss, including location, the fight itself and possible drops.
The Barrelchest teleport can be found by opening the Spellbook and heading to Boss Teleports> Barrelchest.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
Range Setup:
Twisted Bow > Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i) > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Here you can use an venator ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
Melee Setup:
Scythe of virtur > Blade of saeldor > Ghrazi Rapier > Abyssal Tentacle > Abyssal Whip
Full Bandos with Slayer Helm (i) if on task/Neitiznot faceguard if off task > Neitiznot faceguard/slayer helm with a Fighter Torso and Dragon Platelegs > Full Elite void
Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
Similar to the range setup here you can use a Ultor Ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
The Fight
The fight is very straight forward, use protect from melee. You can also make use of a cannon for even faster kills.
Possible Drops:
Granite shield
Granite body
Granite helm
Granite legs
Barrelchest anchor
You can find Bryophyte by going to Bosses teleports –> Bryophyta (Moss giants).
Once you arrive here you will find Bryophyta hidden behind her gate.
The Fight:
First of all in order to fight Bryophyta you need one Mossy key per kill. These Mossy keys are dropped by Moss giants, which can be found around the Bryophyta teleport or at the Catacombs.
Protection prayer: Magic
Bryophyta is a very straight forward boss to kill, you pray magic and attack the boss.
The boss has a chance to spawn three growthlings, these have 10 HP, the difference is you do not need an axe to kill this boss, instead it will stay at 1 HP first and u just have to hit it again.
Inventory/Gear setup:
Bryophyta is a very easy boss to kill and does not require a lot of gear.
I would suggest a minimum stats of 50 in each combat skill.
Bring the best Range setup you have, I recommend a blowpipe or magic shortbow to kill the growthlings.
Bryophyta’s essence
The Cerberus teleport can be found by opening the Spellbook and heading to Boss Teleports > Cerberus.
Once you arrive at the Cerberus teleport you will need to “Turn Iron Winch” in order to teleport into the instance and fight Cerberus, the winch is located at the end of the North, East and West Corridors.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
Melee Setup (preferred method):
Weapon – Cerberus is weak to crush so any “Crush” weapon will benefit you in the fight:
Scythe of virtur (Attack Style – Jab) > Ursine Chainmace > Inquisitor’s Mace > Abyssal Bludgeon
Full Bandos with Slayer Helm (i) if on task/Neitiznot faceguard if off task > Neitiznot faceguard/slayer helm with a Fighter Torso and Dragon Platelegs > Full Elite void
Full Corrupted is also a good option here, as it has high magic defence, and therefore you may get more kills per inventory as you should be taking less damage.
Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
Here you can use a Utor Ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times!
Range Setup:
Twisted Bow > Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i) > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Similar to the Melee setup here you can use an Venator Ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times!
The Fight:
It is a very simple fight. Simply attack the boss and then protect from Magic as your prayer:
During the fight Cerberus may summon ghosts to attack you too, you can either tank the ghosts attacks and not bother flicking prayers or you can use the following prayer flick against the ghosts:
- Range(green) is first
- Mage(blue) is second
- Melee(red) is third
When you see Cerberus howl “Aaarrrooooooo” this is when Cerberus summons the ghosts.
Possible Drops:
Jar of souls
Shield left half
Primordial crystal
Eternal crystal
Pegasian crystal
Smouldering stone
The Commander Zilyana teleport can be found by opening the Spell book and heading to Boss Teleports > Godwars > Saradomin Entrance and paying a fee of 150K. This will take you directly to the entrance, once you are here you will need to kill a certain number of minions outside the boss room in order to gain access to Commander Zilyana.
Depending on your donator rank the number of kills varies as follows:
- Non Donor – 20 Kills
- Donator ($10) – 15 Kills
- Extreme ($50) – 15Kills
- Legendary ($100) – 8 Kills
- Diamond ($250) – 6 Kills
- Onyx ($500) – 5 Kills
Once you have acquired your kill count you may enter the boss room.
You can view your account in the top right of your client, below your XP counter.
Ecumenical Key
You can however use an Ecumenical key to gain access to the boss room without needing the kill count, this will cost you 3m gp, you can purchase the key from the General Store or if you are an Ironman from The Ironman Store at ::home.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
You can use either Melee or Range as an effective method to kill Commander Zilyana:
Melee Setup:
Scythe of virtur > Blade of Saeldor/Ghrazi Rapier > Tentacle Whip > Abyssal Whip
Full Bandos with Slayer Helm (i) if on task/Neitiznot faceguard if off task > Neitiznot faceguard/slayer helm with a Fighter Torso and Bandos Tassets/Dragon Platelegs/Fremenik Kilt > Full Elite void
Full Corrupted is also a good option here, as it has high magic defence, and therefore you may get more kills per inventory as you should be taking less damage.
Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
Here you can use a utor Ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
Range Setup:
Twisted Bow > Armadyl Crossbow/Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i) > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Similar to the Melee setup here you can use a venator Ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
The Fight:
A popular method used to kill this boss is a method called “kiting” you can run from corner to corner attacking Commander Zilyana but not letting her get close enough to attack you, if you choose this method you can protect from range for the duration of the fight. If you however use a Melee setup to fight Commander Zilyana I would suggest protecting from Magic attacks and then just simple attacking the boss. You can always flick prayers when fighting the minions if you wish to minimize damage taken.
You can also take a mage switch so you can use Blood barrage to heal from the minions, a Guthans switch also works equally well.
Also note, you do not need to kill all the minions in order for the boss to respawn, it will respawn regardless after a certain amount of time.
Possible Drops:
Saradomin sword
Armadyl crossbow
Saradomin hilt
The Corporeal Beast teleport can be found by opening the Spellbook and heading to Boss Teleports> Corporeal Beast.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
In order to fight Corporeal beast you will need to use a Zamorakian Hasta or Spear. You could also make use of a Dragon Warhammer as a special attack weapon to lower the boss’s defence. Another big advantage would be to bring a cannon with you as well. Some players also make use of a Crystal Halberd as a special attack weapon against this boss.
Corporeal Beast setup:
Zamorakian Hasta > Zamorakian Spear
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Bandos with slayer helm if on task or Neitiznot faceguard if off task > Faceguard/Fighter Torso/Bandos Tassets.
Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos Boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
A utor ring is best in slot and then you can switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate.
The Fight:
It is one of the more difficult fights mainly due to the fact the boss can hit hard, you will need a lot of heals during this fight and will probably only be doing 1/2 kills per inventory. You should pray Melee protection for the duration of the fight, some players prefer to pray Magic protection. Either way Corp hits hard through either. Also make use of your Dragon Warhammer Special attack to lower the defence, if you wish you can spec the boss twice, teleport out and repeat the process but you don’t need to, it may just make the fight a little bit faster.
Possible Drops:
Spectral sigil
Arcane sigil
Elysian sigil
Crystalline Key:
In order to enter the boss room with Hunllef and start the fight you will need a Crystalline Key, these can be obtained from crystalline monsters in the Crystal Cavern when you have a Crystal Slayer task or you can purchase off of other players.
The Crystalline Hunllef teleport can be found by opening the Spellbook and heading to Bosses > Hunleff.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
To defeat Hunllef you will need two attack styles, IF YOU FORGET A STYLE/AMMO/RUNES AND CANNOT USE TWO STYLES YOU WILL DIE AND LOSE YOUR CRYSTALLINE KEY. HC Ironmen be warned!
Range/melee Setup:
Range switch: Twisted Bow > Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i)/Armadyl Crossbow > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Melee switch: Scythe of virtur > Blade of Saeldor/Ghrazi rapier > Tentacle Whip > Abyssal Whip/Dragon Scimitar
Range switch: Full Corrupted Perfected > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Melee switch: Full Corrupted Perfected > Full Bandos/Fight Torso with Tassets/Dragon platelegs/Full Elite void
Range switch: Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Melee switch: Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Range switch: Pegasian Boots > Ranger Boots
Melee switch: Primordial Boots > Bandos Boots > Dragon Boots
Range setup: Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Melee setup: Completionist Cape > Infernal max cape/ Infernal cape > Fire max cape/Fire cape
Range setup: Venator ring
Melee setup: Utor ring
The Fight:
Once you go through into Hunllef’s Lair after proceeding through the on screen warnings and prompts you will need to attack the boss with the correct attack style depending on his prayer protection. You can just camp Melee protect as your prayer for the duration of the fight and heal up if you do get hit by the Magic attacks, or you can simply flick to Magic protection when he attacks you with the white magic attacks.
Please remember you cannot leave the lair until you defeat the boss, so make sure you have everything you need!
Possible Drops:
you will receive a Hunllef key after killing the boss, from this you have a chance an item from the Hunllef chest:
Crystal Body
Crystal Helm
Crystal Legs
Bow of faerdhinen
Blade of Saeldor
Corrupted legs (perfected)
Corrupted helm (perfected)
Corrupted body (perfected)
Bow of faerdhinen (c)
There are also various other items and supplies you can get that are not in the Collection log these can be found by using the ::mbox command.
You can find the Dagannoth Kings by going to Bosses teleports –> Dagannoth Kings.
Once you arrive here you will find the Dagannoth Kings by climbing down the tunnel entrance.
Once inside the dungeon you will find as shown in the picture below: Supreme WEST , Prime NORTH , Rex EAST.
Dagannoth Supreme:
Dagannoth Supreme is the first boss u encounter when climbing down the ladder.
Protection prayer: Range
Dagannoth Supreme is a very straight forward boss to kill, you pray Range and kill it with your best melee setup.
Dagannoth Rex:
Dagannoth Rex is the boss most East when you climb down the ladder.
Protection prayer: Melee
Dagannoth Rex is a very straight forward boss to kill, you pray Melee and kill it with your best mage setup.
Dagannoth Prime:
Dagannoth Prime is the boss most North So when you climb down the ladder.
Protection prayer: Mage
Dagannoth Prime is a very straight forward boss to kill, you pray Mage and kill it with your best range setup.
If you are on a slayer task change your helmet to a slayer helmet.
Every single Dagannoth king has their own collection log, containing the rare drops plus the famous rings.
It is recommended to do this boss on the best droprate you can get (Ring of wealth (i)- 100% droprate – Dark roc/Klik), if you want to finish the Collection log
Dragon axe (all of them drop this)
Archer’s ring (Supreme)
Berserker ring (Rex)
Warrior ring (rex)
seers ring (Prime)
The General Graardor teleport can be found by opening the Spell book and heading to Boss Teleports > Godwars > Bandos Entrance and paying a fee of 150K. This will take you directly to the entrance, once you are here you will need to kill a certain number of minions outside the boss room in order to gain access to General Graardor.
Depending on your donator rank the number of kills varies as follows:
- Non Donor – 20 Kills
- Donator ($10) – 15 Kills
- Extreme ($50) – 15Kills
- Legendary ($100) – 8 Kills
- Diamond ($250) – 6 Kills
- Onyx ($500) – 5 Kills
Once you have acquired your kill count you may enter the boss room.
You can view your account in the top right of your client, below your XP counter.
Ecumenical Key
You can however use an Ecumenical key to gain access to the boss room without needing the kill count, this will cost you 3m gp, you can purchase the key from the General Store or if you are an Ironman from The Ironman Store at ::home.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
General Graardor’s highest defence is against Magic, because of this it is most effective to use your best in slot Melee gear or Range gear:
Melee Setup:
Scythe of virtur > Blade of Saeldor/Ghrazi Rapier > Tentacle Whip > Abyssal Whip
Full Bandos with Slayer Helm (i) if on task/Neitiznot faceguard if off task > Neitiznot faceguard/slayer helm with a Fighter Torso and Bandos Tassets/Dragon Platelegs/Fremenik Kilt > Full Elite void
Full Corrupted is also a good option here, as it has high magic defence, and therefore you may get more kills per inventory as you should be taking less damage.
Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
Here you can use Utor ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
Range Setup:
Twisted Bow > Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i) > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Similar to the Melee setup here you can use a venator ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times!
The Fight:
Simply attack the boss and then protect from Melee, you can flick prayers against the minions depending on what attack style they are using if you wish to minimize damage taken.
You can also take a mage switch so you can use Blood barrage to heal from the minions, a Guthans switch also works equally well.
Also note, you do not need to kill all the minions in order for the boss to respawn, it will respawn regardless after a certain amount of time.
Possible Drops:
Bandos boots
Bandos chestplate
bandos tassets
bandos hilt
You can find the Giant Mole by going to Bosses teleports –> Giant Mole.
Once you arrive here you will need a Spade in order to dig the mole hill that takes u to the Giant Moles.
Once inside the dungeon you will find multiple Giant Moles all around the dungeon.
The Fight:
Once inside the dungeon there are multiple spots you can kill the Giant Mole.
Protection Prayer: Melee
I recommend bringing a Cannon and placing it between 2 Giant moles, so once you are done with one kill, you can immediatly start working on another kill while u wait for the first one to respawn.
Inventory/Gear setup:
The Giant Mole is a very easy boss to kill and does not require a lot of gear.
The biggest item you need to speed up your Giant Moles is a Cannon.
Other than that I recommend bringing either ur best Range or Melee setup.
The main reason why people kill this boss is for its Completionist Cape requirement which requires 250 KC.
Giant Mole also drops a pet depending on Droprate%.
These droprates variate from person to person depending on what kind of Droprate % they are killing it with.
You can check your Droprates by typing ::droptable and searching for Giant Mole.
You can find the Grotesque Guardians by going to Bosses teleports –> Grotesque Guardians.
Once you arrive here you will find the Grotesque Guardians hidden behind a locked gate.
In order to unlock this gate you will have to get a Brittle key which is obtainable by killing Gargoyles ON TASK.
Only One key is neccesary to unlock the gate and you can kill them as much as u like.
The Fight:
Protection prayer: Range
The fight consists of 2 Bosses, Dusk & Dawn. And you will alternate between these 2 bosses in different phases until they both are dead.
1st Phase:
You start of by ranging Dawn, getting her under 225 HP in order to start the next phase. Be aware of her special attack, she throws a white ball at you. You must dodge this ball by 2 tiles in order to not get frozen for 5 seconds.
2nd Phase:
After Dawn is under 225 HP she will fly away and its time to fight Dusk, put on ur melee gear and get Dusk under 225 HP. Dusk has 2 special attacks, one where rocks fall from the ceiling, you must dodge these by 2 tiles in order to not get hit, and the other one is VITAL to dodge: Dusk will turn orange and you must run away 2 tiles from him or you will be thrown away and stunned for 5 seconds. If u do not dodge this attack there is a chance it will throw u inside the wall and you will be forced to teleport out!
3rd Phase:
After Dusk is under 225 HP he will fly away and portals will spawn on the ground, make sure you are 2 tiles away from every portal that spawned since this does a lot of damage.
4th Phase:
After portals u will be able to hit Dawn again, put on ur range gear and kill Dawn. In this phase Dawn still is able to throw out white balls so be aware! There is also a chance Dawn will spawn three orbs, just ignore these since they are bugged, absorbing them will not do anything. Just make sure to dodge the white balls since the orbs can still heal her if you are too slow.
5th Phase:
This is the most important phase to not get thrown into a wall and having to restart the kill! Put on ur melee gear and hit Dusk for one hit, run away and wait for the special attack, he will throw u in a purple cage, run out of this as soon as possible and kite Dusk, one hit, run, one hit, run until he is dead. This is to prevent getting hit by his throw away and stun special attack since this can get you stuck in the wall.
Once the boss is dead teleport back to Grotesque Guardians to start your next kill. Boss does not respawn automatically.
Inventory/Gear setup:
It is recommended to bring your best melee/range setup.
Bring as many switches as u are comfortable with, prioritise melee over range switches.
The main reason why people kill this boss is for the Collection Log.
It is recommended to do this boss on the best droprate you can get (Ring of wealth (i)- 100% droprate – Dark roc/Klik), if you want to finish the Collection log.
Granite dust
Granite Gloves
Granite hammer
Granite maul
Granite ring
Jar of stone
The K’Ril Tsutsaroth teleport can be found by opening the Spell book and heading to Boss Teleports > Godwars > Zamorak Entrance and paying a fee of 150K. This will take you directly to the entrance, once you are here you will need to kill a certain number of minions outside the boss room in order to gain access to K’Ril Tsutsaroth.
Depending on your donator rank the number of kills varies as follows:
- Non Donor – 20 Kills
- Donator ($10) – 15 Kills
- Extreme ($50) – 15Kills
- Legendary ($100) – 8 Kills
- Diamond ($250) – 6 Kills
- Onyx ($500) – 5 Kills
Once you have acquired your kill count you may enter the boss room.
You can view your account in the top right of your client, below your XP counter.
Ecumenical Key
You can however use an Ecumenical key to gain access to the boss room without needing the kill count, this will cost you 3m gp, you can purchase the key from the General Store or if you are an Ironman from The Ironman Store at ::home.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
K’Ril Tsutsaroth’s highest defence is against Magic, because of this it is most effective to use your best in slot Melee gear or Range gear:
Melee Setup:
Scythe of virtur > Blade of Saeldor/Ghrazi Rapier (Anything worse than this you are going to struggle in this boss fight.)
Full Corrupted is the best option here, as it has high magic defence, and therefore you may get more kills per inventory as you should be taking less damage. You may struggle to efficiently Solo K’Ril without a high defence armour such as Corrupted.
Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
Here you can use a utor ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
Range Setup:
Twisted Bow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task
Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Similar to the Melee setup here you can use an venator ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
The Fight:
Simply attack the boss and then protect from Melee, you can flick prayers against the minions depending on what attack style they are using if you wish to minimize damage taken. K’Ril is a very strong boss and can hit very hard, the special attacks can hit through prayer and also deplete your prayer, and the results and be fatal. Always ensure you are sitting at high hitpoints and be prepared to be hit hard. Also, as mentioned before K’Ril can infect you poison so keep an eye out for this.
You can also take a mage switch so you can use Blood barrage to heal from the minions, a Guthans switch also works equally well.
Also note, you do not need to kill all the minions in order for the boss to respawn, it will respawn regardless after a certain amount of time.
Possible Drops:
Staff of the dead
zamorak hilt
zamorakian spear
The Kraken teleport can be found on the spellbook and heading to the bosses teleports > Kraken
Once you’ve teleported, enter the cave and begin the fight.
You need to be on a slayer task to fight this boss.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
Sanguinesti staff / Kodai > Trident of the swamp > Trident / Ahrim
Mage’s book > Unholy book
Ancestral > Ahrim > mystic
occult necklace > Amulet of Fury
Eternal boots > Infinity boots > mystic boots
Completionist Cape > Imbued god Max Cape > Imbued god cape > God cape
Here you can use a Magus ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
Weapon – Kraken is weak to magic spells so any “magic spell” will benefit you in the fight:
The Fight:
Kraken is a straight forward boss. Pray mage and use any magic spell.
Possible Drops:
jar of dirt
kraken tentacle
trident of the seas
The Kree’Arra teleport can be found by opening the Spell book and heading to Boss Teleports > Godwars > Armadyl Entrance and paying a fee of 150K. This will take you directly to the entrance, once you are here you will need to kill a certain number of minions outside the boss room in order to gain access to Kree’Arra.
Depending on your donator rank the number of kills varies as follows:
Non Donor – 20 Kills
Donator ($10) – 15 Kills
Extreme ($50) – 15Kills
Legendary ($100) – 8 Kills
Diamond ($250) – 6 Kills
Onyx ($500) – 5 Kills
Once you have acquired your kill count you may enter the boss room.
You can view your account in the top right of your client, below your XP counter.
Ecumenical Key
You can however use an Ecumenical key to gain access to the boss room without needing the kill count, this will cost you 3m gp, you can purchase the key from the General Store or if you are an Ironman from The Ironman Store at ::home.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
Range is the best method of attack against Kree’Arra.
Range Setup:
Twisted Bow > Armadyl Crossbow/Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i) > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Here you can use an Venator Ring as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times.
The Fight
Simply attack the boss and then protect from Range, you can flick prayers against the minions depending on what attack style they are using if you wish to minimize damage taken.
You can also take a mage switch so you can use Blood barrage to heal from the minions.
Also note, you do not need to kill all the minions in order for the boss to respawn, it will respawn regardless after a certain amount of time.
Possible drops
Armadyl hilt
Armadyl helmet
Armadyl chestplate
Armadyl chainskirt
The Nex teleport can be found by opening the Spell book and heading to Boss Teleports > Nex. This will take you directly to the entrance, once you are here you will need to kill 20 minions outside the boss room in order to gain access to Nex.
Nex will spawn in her chamber shortly after a player or team of players pass through the ancient barrier within the Ancient Prison. The fight consists of five distinct phases based on the Ancient Magicks: with Nex using Smoke, Shadow, Blood, and Ice magic, before entering an empowered final state.
In order for the fight to progress, Nex’s hitpoints need to be reduced to a threshold, after which the mage who empowers her magic must be killed, which will then lead to the next phase.
Fumus (Magic, Smoke) (Facemask, Slayerhelmet is required to protect your self from damage and stats reduced)
Umbra (Magic, Shadow) (can poison you)
Cruor (Magic, Blood) (Heals hitself)
Glacies (Magic, Ice)
Nex has unique mechanics during these phases.
Currently their is no BIS Gear for Nex but this might be the best option.
Use your BIS you have at the moment, this can be anything from D’hide to Morrigans.
Preferred is crystal set because this will give you more bonus damage.
Ranged DPS Potion such as an Overload or Divine Ranging.
Antidote for Anti-poison.
Saradomin Brews.
Super Restore Potion.
Slayer Helmet or Facemask.
These can be switched out depending how comfortable you are during this boss.
Nex will spawn 4 Bodyguards, 1 at a time when her health reaches certain thresholds., to defeat on Nex you must complete each phase.
The Bodyguards will spawn in the corners, they spawn at certain thresholds within Nex’s hit points.
You will see Nex summon these with a phrase such as ‘Umbra, don’t fail me!’, it is suggested to kill them as fast as possible. After killing them you can continue to kill Nex because Nex is immune to damage whilst any minion is alive.
Special Attack Phase 1
Nex will go underneath a random player, to avoid this you must step away. Upon being hit by this mechanic you will take high damage.
Special Attack Phase 1: (‘There is… no Escape!’)
Nex will choose 1 of the 4 middle routes and charge down it, causing any players caught in this to be pulled to the middle and they will recieve damage. To avoid this, stay away from the pathways.
Shadow Phase: (‘Fear the Shadows’)
This will spawn a black circle underneath you. To avoid this you must step away. Upon being hit by this mechanic you will take high damage.
Shadow Phase: (‘Embrace the Darkness’)
This attack will darken your game screen and if you are within melee range of Nex you will recieve type less damage.
Blood Phase: (‘I demand a Sacrifice’)
This is attack will focus a random player who will turn red. To avoid this run away from Nex.
Ice Phase: (‘Contain This’)
This will form a square of stalagmites around Nex if a player is caught in this they will be frozen and take damage. To avoid this when Nex says ‘Contain this!’ Simply run away.
Ice Prison: (‘Die now, in a prison of ice!’)
This will freeze a random player and surround them by stalagmites. To avoid this it is suggested to stay high hitpoints, in group encounters those with a dragon warhammer can equip this and destroy a stalagmite to free the prisoner.
Zaros Phase
During this phase Nex becomes enraged and begins to hit the player(s) with quick attacks. You just simply do as much damage as possible whilst maintaining high health. Upon death you will see Nex shout ‘Taste my Wrath!’, this will follow with her doing an AOE death attack which can hit any player stood close. To avoid this just keep your distance whilst she is dying.
Possible drops
Torva platelegs (damaged)
Torva platebody (damaged)
Torva full helm (damaged)
Ancient hilt
Zaryte vambraces
Nihil horn
You can find Obor by going to Bosses teleports –> Obor (Hill giants).
Once you arrive here you will find Obor hidden behind the gate.
The Fight:
First of all in order to fight Obor you need one Giant key per kill. These Giant keys are dropped by hill giants, which can be found around the Obor teleport or at the catacombs.
Protection prayer: Melee
Obor is a very straight forward boss to kill, you pray melee and attack the boss.
Inventory/Gear setup:
Obor is a very easy boss to kill and does not require a lot of gear.
I would suggest a minimum stats of 50 in each combat skill.
Bring the best Melee/Range setup you have, I would recommend dragon dagger or any other high hitting spec weapon for fast kills.
Long Bone
Hill Giant Club
The Sarachnis teleport can be found by opening the Spellbook and heading to Boss Teleports> Sarachnis. Once you are here follow the route shown in the video in the guide, once you have slashed through both the webs you can begin your battle!
Inventory/Gear Setup:
In order to fight Sarachnis it helps to use a Crush weapon and have the highest Crush bonus that is possible with your gear. Another big advantage would be to bring a cannon with you as well.
Sarachnis setup:
Scythe of vitur > Inquisitor’s Mace > Abyssal Bludgeon > Zamorakian Hasta > Sarachnis cudgel.
Other weapons would be viable but crush weapons are your best option.
Full Inquisitor’s with Slayer Helm if on task > Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm if on task > Full Bandos with slayer helm if on task or Neitiznot faceguard if off task > Faceguard/Fighter Torso/Bandos Tassets.
Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos Boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
A Utor ring is best in slot and then you can switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate.
The Fight:
It is a fairly simple fight. Once you enter the fight, place your cannon and proceed to attack Sarchnis, pray Melee protection to start with and then if Sarachnis shoots a web at you flick to Range protect prayer until you can move close to the boss again and then go back to Melee protection.
Possible Drops:
Sarachnis cudgel
Jar of eyes
High combat stats. Although not required, see the skill levels below for an indication of the advised stats:
85 or higher
85 or higher
85 or higher
85 or higher
85 or higher
70 or higher
Item (most effective → least effective)
Torva Full Helm -> Inquisitor’s Great Helm -> Neitiznot Faceguard
Amulet of Torture (or) -> Amulet of Torture -> Amulet of Fury
Comp/Max Cape -> Infernal Cape -> Fire Cape
Torva Platebody -> Inquisitor’s Hauberk -> Bandos Chestplate
Torva Platelegs -> Inquisitor’s Plateskirt -> Bandos Tassets
Kitted/Normal Scythe -> Inquisitor’s Mace -> Abyssal Bludgeon
Avernic Defender (one handed weapon) -> Dragon Defender (one handed weapon)
Rada’s Blessing 4 -> God Blessing
Ferocious Gloves -> Barrows Gloves
Primordial Boots -> Dragon Boots
Utor Ring -> Berserker Ring (i) -> Brimstone Ring
Start by using any teleport spell in your spellbook.
Then navigate to the “bosses” section & scroll down and you will see “the nightmare” teleport.
Players do not damage the Nightmare’s health directly, they merely break her shield during each of her three phases. Once you break her shield you can attack each of the four totems, one in each corner of the boss room. The health of her shield scales accordingly to the amount of players participating in the fight. 2,000 – 19,600 healh.
When all four totems are fully charged, they will unleash a magical blast of energy onto the Nightmare, dealing 800 damage to her. The Nightmare has 2,400 physical health, and does not regenerate it, so three blasts will end the encounter. After the first 800 damage, the Nightmare will be in phase 2, and after the second blast of 800 damage, the Nightmare will be in phase 3, or the final phase.
Players do not receive any experience for dealing damage to the totems.
Players can use protection prayers to mitigate damage from some of The Nightmare’s attacks.
The Nightmare has a unique aggression mechanic in which she examines the melee defence values of all players in her dream world, and will immediately focus on the player with the highest values in this category. This in turn makes her melee attack only hit in the direction she is facing.
Magic attack:
The Nightmare will flail to the side surrounding herself with pink flower petals, then spin back shooting the petals toward players.
Ranged attack:
The Nightmare will swiftly contort herself 4 times, shooting out projectiles toward players on the fourth movement. It is recommended to use Protect from Mage during the fight and switch to Protect from Missiles when you hear the clicking.
Melee attack:
The Nightmare will charge her claws with a pink glow and pull them back, then quickly swipe forward scraping her claws along the ground and dealing damage to anyone in front of her in melee range. This attack will always hit regardless of defensive bonuses, although it can be easily avoided by moving away from melee distance in the direction she is facing or by praying protect from melee.
Special attacks
Grasping Claws: The Nightmare will spawn a black portal underneath her, and numerous smaller “end” portals before sticking her claws inside. If the player stands on any portal, they will take up to 50 damage. Simply move into a tile free of a black portal to avoid damage. The Nightmare uses this attack during all three phases.
Sleepwalkers: At the start of the second and final phases, the Nightmare will summon Sleepwalkers that walk toward her, the number of which is dependent upon the number of players in the instance, ranging from 1-24. They possess 10 health, but instantly die upon taking any damage. At the end of this attack, she will charge up a powerful blast that hits all players in the room for a minimum of 4 damage. The more sleepwalkers she absorbs, the more damaging this blast becomes, capable of dealing over 70 damage to each player in masses. This damage is unavoidable, so kill as many sleepwalkers as possible before they reach the Nightmare. In a solo encounter, if the player doesn’t kill the sleepwalker, the subsequent charge will always kill them.
Husks: The Nightmare spawns two husks around random players in her arena. The targeted players will be frozen in place until the husks are killed. The blue, skinny husk uses magic attacks, while the green, bulky husk uses ranged attacks. The Nightmare will not spawn Grasping Claws portals under players that are frozen by the husks, however if the player is under the Nightmare while frozen by husks they will still take damage. The Nightmare only uses this attack during phase 1.
Flower Power: The Nightmare will divide the room into four equal quadrants with lines of flowers. One quadrant will be safe as indicated with white nightmare flowers, while the remaining quadrants are unsafe as indicated with red nightmare berries. If players are in the incorrect quadrant, they will take rapid damage, and any attacks that would harm her instead heal her. The Nightmare only uses this attack during phase 1.
Curse: A pink glow fills the player’s screen and protection prayers are shuffled. Clicking on Protect from Magic activates Protect from Missiles, Protect from Missiles activates Protect from Melee and Protect from Melee activates Protect from Magic. An easy way to remember this is that the Prayers are shifted over by one to the left. After 5 attacks, the curse is lifted. The Nightmare only uses this attack during phase 2.
Parasites: The Nightmare throws a parasite onto random players. After it has grown, it will burst out of the player and deal damage to them, and will then begin healing The Nightmare until killed. Drinking a dose of Sanfew serum before it emerges will weaken the parasite and greatly reduce the damage taken when the parasite bursts out. The Nightmare only uses this attack during phase 2.
Surge: The Nightmare will teleport to one of the four edges of the room, then immediately surge across to the opposite side dealing up to 60 damage to anyone caught in her path. Move out of the way to avoid taking damage. The Nightmare only uses this attack during phase 3.
Spores: Puffshroom like objects spawn around the arena. Standing within 1 tile of one will cause it to explode, causing the player to become weary; their run is disabled and their attack speed is lowered by 1 tick for a short duration. The Nightmare only uses this attack during phase 3.
The Nightmare’s special Husk attack.
The Nightmare’s special Flower Power attack, followed by a standard Ranged attack.
The Nightmare’s special Grasping Claws attack. There are also two Husks attacking the player.
Fight overview
Phase 1
The Nightmare will choose a “tank” in your party based on their defence bonus and their Defence level. If your team has a designated tank, they should Protect from Melee, switching to Protect from Missiles or Protect from Magic prayer when appropriate. The rest of the team should stand on different sides than the tank, so that the Nightmare is not facing them, meaning that they can ignore her melee attacks entirely.
During this phase, the Nightmare will use the special attacks Grasping Claws, Husks, and Flower Power. Deal with these special attacks while continuing to have the correct prayer active.
Players immobilized by Husks will usually not have a portal spawn under them during the Grasping Claws attack, and the Nightmare does not seem to use the Flower Power attack while players are immobilized. During the Flower Power attack, be aware of where your tank is – players who end up on the same side of the Nightmare as the tank will need to be aware that they can be hit by the Nightmare’s melee attack afterward, and should move or pray accordingly.
After depleting the Nightmare’s shield, the totems will become vulnerable. The Nightmare will continue using its phase 1 attacks while you attack the totems. Fully charge all four and they will damage the Nightmare for 1/3rd of its health, and begin phase 2.
In this phase, be cautious of fully charging all of the totems if the Nightmare has not recently used her Husks attack. If she spawns Husks as the Totems fully charge, it can result in one or more players being immobilized while the Sleepwalkers spawn at the start of the next phase, possibly leading to the party taking massive damage. It is recommended for immobilized players to use their magic weapon to kill the Sleepwalkers to prevent the party from taking massive damage.
Phase 2
The Nightmare will use her Sleepwalker attack at the start of this phase, and will deal considerable damage to your party if not all of the Sleepwalkers she spawns are killed. This is a good time to restore some HP and Prayer. During this phase, the Nightmare will use the special attacks Grasping Claws, Curse, and Parasites. Pay special attention to the Parasite attack, as players will take massive damage if they do not drink a dose of Sanfew Serum before the parasite bursts out of them. Once they do emerge, Parasites should be killed as quickly as possible, or they will begin to rapidly heal the Nightmare.
Once the Nightmare’s shields are depleted, attack the totems like before in order to move to the final phase. Note that any Parasites spawned while the totems are vulnerable will cause the parasites to start healing the totems instead, so they should be taken down immediately.
Phase 3
This phase begins with a Sleepwalker attack, just like the last one. Deal with it normally like the previous phase.
During this phase, the Nightmare will use the special attacks Grasping Claws, Spores, and Surge. Stay at least 2 tiles away from the spores to avoid getting infected. If you do get infected, stay at least 2 tiles away from your teammates in order to avoid passing on the infection to them! The drowsiness inflicted by the spores will not only lower your DPS, but make you unable to run, which can be deadly if the Nightmare uses her Surge attack.
It’s common that the Nightmare will use her Grasping Claws attack while some spores are still active. Whenever spores are active, figure out beforehand which square(s) you can walk to so that you’ll dodge a Grasping Claws portal without triggering any spores.
After the Nightmare’s shields are depleted, simply attack all four totems for one final time while continuing to avoid her phase 3 special attacks, and the Nightmare will be defeated.
Possible drops
Volatile orb
Harmonised orb
Eldritch orb
Nightmare staff
Jar of dreams
Inquisitor’s plateskirt
Inquisitor’s hauberk
Inquisitor’s great helm
Inquisitor’s mace
The Vorkath teleport can be found by opening the Spellbook and heading to Boss Teleports > Vorkath.
Once you arrive at the Vorkath teleport you will need to “Climb-over Ice Chunks” in order to teleport into the instance and fight Vorkath.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
Melee Setup (preferred method):
The example above shows a high tier melee setup, there are many variations of this that will be more than sufficient for the fight:
Weapon: – Vorkath is a Dragon, so it will be weak to stab and weapons such as the Dragon Hunter Lance and the Dragon Hunter Crossbow:
Dragon Hunter Lance (Attack Style – Lunge – Stab) > Scythe of Virtur > Ghrazi Rapier/Blade of Saeldor > Zamorakian Hasta
Full Bandos with Slayer Helm (i) if on task/Neitiznot faceguard if off task > Neitiznot faceguard/slayer helm with a Fighter Torso and Dragon Platelegs > Full Elite void
Full Corrupted is also a good option here, as it has high magic defence, and therefore you may get more kills per inventory as you should be taking less damage.
You will need to make sure you either have a Dragonfire shield or a regular anti-dragon shield to deflect the fire from Vorkath.
Salve Amulet (Salve Amulet deals more damage to Undead Monsters – please note it does not stack with a Slayer Helm so only use off task) > Amulet of Torture > Amulet of Fury
Primordial Boots > Bandos boots > Dragon Boots
Completionist Cape > Infernal Max Cape > Infernal cape > Fire Max Cape > Fire Cape
Here you can use a Utor ring/ Beserker Ring (i) as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times!
Range Setup:
Twisted Bow > Dragon Hunter Crossbow > Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i) > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Salve Amulet (Salve Amulet deals more damage to Undead Monsters – please note it does not stack with a Slayer Helm so only use off task) > Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Similar to the Melee setup here you can use an Venator/ Archers Ring (i) as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times!
The Fight:
Simply attack the boss and then protect from Magic as your prayer:
You will also need to ensure you have your anti-dragon shield and anti-fire potions or you will be hit very hard with fire.
Possible Drops:
Draconic visage
Skeletal visage
Dragonbone necklace
Jar of decay
The Zulrah teleport can be found by opening the Spellbook and heading to Boss Teleports> Zulrah.
Once you arrive at the Zulrah teleport you will find yourself next to a bank, you then need to walk east and board the Sacrificial Boat, you will then enter the Zulrah boss fight instance.
Inventory/Gear Setup:
Range Setup:
Please note, Zulrah can also infect you with her venom so you could also benefit from have some Antivenom with you.
Twisted Bow > Blowpipe/Magic Shortbow (i) > Rune Crossbow/Magic Shortbow
Full Corrupted Perfected with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Armadyl/Full Karils/Full Elite void
Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of glory
Pegasian Boots > Ranger boots
Completionist Cape > Range Max Cape > Range Skillcape > Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator
Here you can use an Venator/ Archers Ring (i) as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times! You could also make use of Rings of recoil here to help against the minions but the fight is easily doable without these.
Magic setup:
Please note, Zulrah can also infect you with her venom so you could also benefit from have some Antivenom with you.
Sanguinesti staff > Trident of the swamp > Trident of the seas > Kodai wand/Ancient staff/Ahrim’s Staff with Blood Barrage/blitz spell.
Full Ancestral with Slayer Helm (i) if on task > Full Ahrims on task/Full Elite void if off task
Occult Necklace
Eternal Boots > Infinity boots
Completionist Cape > Imbued mage Max Cape > God cape
Here you can use a Magus/ Seer’s ring (i) as best in slot and then switch to a Ring of wealth or Ring of wealth (i) before the kill is finished so you can benefit from the bonus Droprate, or for ease you can just wear a ring of wealth the whole time as it wont make too much difference in kill times! You could also make use of Rings of recoil here to help against the minions but the fight is easily doable without these.
The Fight:
Simply move to the upper left part of the island when you enter the instance to avoid being hit by the poison clouds and attack the boss.
Then switch prayers for each attack style Zulrah uses against you:
Green Zulrah – Protect from range
Red Zulrah – Protect from melee
Blue Zulrah – Protect from Magic